At BetWright, we’re committed to ensuring every customer has a great experience with our services. However, if we ever fall short of your expectations, we encourage you to let us know as soon as possible. This allows us to address your concerns quickly, fairly, and transparently.
Complaints Policy
Onyx understands there may be times when things go wrong, and that players will wish to have remedy for this. Accordingly, we have in place a complaints procedure which is set out here.
Raising a Formal Complaint
If you need to make a formal complaint, you can reach us through the following channels:
Email: [email protected]
Subject: Please include your Account ID and the word "Complaint" to assist us in responding swiftly.
Please note that we are unable to address complaints via social media. If you contact us there, we’ll kindly direct you to one of the methods listed above.
What to Include
To help us resolve your complaint promptly, please provide:
Your account id and/or email address used to register
Your full name
A clear description of your complaint, please give us as much detail about the nature of your complaint as you can, as this will aid our investigation into it
A desired resolution to your complaint, if you are seeking a specific resolution please state your requirements, as this will enable our team to more quickly determine a resolution to your case
What to Expect
Initial Investigation and Correspondence (approximately 2 weeks): A member of our Customer Service team will begin investigating your complaint as quickly as possible and look to return to you with a response within 10 working days, though this timeframe is contingent on your ready co-operation with any questions the team may have about your complaint. In some cases where deemed necessary we may need to place a temporary deposit restriction on your account whilst this investigation is conducted.
In cases where you take more than 7 days to respond to a query relating to your complaint, we may “pause the clock” until we receive your response, so that we may consider the complaint fully. The initial response will also detail any remedy to be given by Onyx to you.Escalation Process (maximum 8 weeks): Should you be unhappy following this initial response to your complaint, you may ask for your complaint to be escalated to our management team. Again, we will respond to your complaint as quickly as possible and, at the very latest, no more than eight weeks after the date on which you initially raised your complaint with us.
This is also contingent on your co-operation with any questions the management team may have about your complaint. In cases where you take more than 7 days to respond to a query relating to your complaint, we may “pause the clock” until we receive your response, so that we may consider the complaint fully. The management team’s response will also detail any remedy to be given by Onyx to you and will constitute its Final Decision regarding your complaint.Alternative Dispute Resolution: Should you disagree with our final decision or if your complaint isn’t resolved within eight weeks, we will issue you a Complaint Reference. You may use this to raise a dispute with an Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity (ADR) with which we have engaged for such purposes.
Use of this ADR entity is free of charge to our customers.Their contact details are:
Independent Betting Adjudication Service,
PO Box 62639,
Tel: 0207 347 5883
Email: [email protected]
You will be free to bring your dispute with Onyx before any court of competent jurisdiction. However, should you choose, you may request that the decision of the ADR entity can be binding upon both you and Onyx where the dispute pertains to an amount of not more than £10,000. Should the ADR entity’s decision call for remedy to be made from us to you, we will endeavour to seen this done with all haste.